يَوْمَ نَدْعُو كُلَّ أُنَاسٍ بِإِمَامِهِمْ… ﴿الإسراء: ٧١﴾
غایت المرام فی ضرورت الامام
Author: Allāmah Sayyid Ḥashmat ʿAlī (d. 1354 AH / 1935 CE)
از: علامه سید حشمت علی
Translation and Commentary: Syed ʿAlī Aṣdaq Naqvī
ترجمه و تعلیقات: سید علی اصدق نقوی
About this treatise
In this work, the author deals with a theological and philosophical issue within Imamology that concerns the reason for why there must be an Imām, or divine authority, present on earth in every era. This idea is central to Shīʿī theology and is one of the major differences between the Sunnī and Shīʿa branches of Islām. The reports on this in Shīʿī sources are abundant[1], and the Shīʿī philosophers and theologians have offered many arguments in favour of this view from a rational perspective including the rule of divine benevolence[2] and the rule of the noblest possibility. Some of these arguments have been discussed by the author in the treatise currently in front of the reader. The treatise is partially in Arabic and partially in Persian. Being fluent in both languages has allowed me to translate it to the best of my ability and I have tried to find the original sources and reference them where possible as well as explaining certain matters that I felt needed clarification due to the confinement of the English language. In some places, the Arabic I have included may have a few differences from the one in the text since the author is quoting another source, and when I went back to the source being cited, I found that the printed edition today reads a bit differently. Despite this, the differences are negligible and do not cause a change in the meaning and mostly involve either small errors of transcribing or small diacritical differences.
For the treatise Ghāyat al-Marām fī Ḍarūrat al-Imām, there are footnotes that have also been added by the commentator, Khādim ʿAlī. However, I have not translated the footnotes and have instead added my own footnotes wherever felt necessary since they are not part of the main text. The word Imām throughout the text has mostly been kept, but Sunnī scholarly terminology one may translate the word Imām as a leader or ruler or even merely the leader of people in prayer at a mosque or a scholar such as when they refer to a scholar as Imām al-Bukhārī. However, in Shīʿa terminology, the Imām is not merely a leader of ruler but a divine authority who gets his authority from God to guide people on earth. Compared to other treatises I have translated by the author, in my opinion this one is the easiest to comprehend even for those not well read in Islamic philosophically and the most relevant to the average person.
Syed ʿAlī Aṣdaq Naqvī
یوم ندعو کل اناس بامامھم
جملہ حقوق محفوظ ہیں
الحمدالله والمنه که این رساله
غایت المرام فی ضرورت الامام
مصنفِ اعلی حضرت حجت الاسلام نائب امام سرکار شریعتمدار علامہ السید حشمت علی صاحب قبلہ خیراللہ پوری مجتہد العصر والزمان دام ظلہ العالی
حسبِ فرمائش
مینجر کتب خانہ اثنا عشری رجسٹرڈ لاہور کوچہ مغل حویلی موچی دروازہ زیور طبع یافت
نوٹ: یہ کتاب اور دیگر ہر قسم کی کتابیں بارعایت ملنے کا پتا: شیخ عطا محمد اینڈ سنز تاجران کتب کشمیری بازار لاہور
تعداد ہزار
قیمت فی جلد 10/
اس رسالہ کا حقِ تصنیف جناب مصنف صاحب موصوف نے ہم کو عنایت فرمادیا ہے۔ لہذا کوئی صاحب قصدِ طبع نہ فرما وے۔ ورنہ بجائے فائدہ کے نقصان اٹھائے گا۔ اور جس قدر جلدیں درکار ہوں مندرجہ ذیل پتہ سے طلب فرماویں۔
مینجر کتب خانہ اثنا عشری رجسٹرڈ لاہور
موچی دروازہ کوچہ مغل حویلی